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  • Writer's picturePrisca Singson

Planning a wedding ceremony & don't know where to begin?

A common question couples ask me is, where to begin when planning a wedding ceremony? I suggest to first decide what atmosphere, energy & memory you hope to capture. This can include, fun, romantic, funny, family orientated, emotional etc.

Generally speaking a civil wedding ceremony timeline looks like:

  1. Housekeeping

  2. Presentation of the bride

  3. Intro/ Welcome/Personal story

  4. Reading/Poem/Ritual

  5. Monitum (Legal words said by the celebrant)

  6. The vows (Personal or set)

  7. Ring Ceremony

  8. Kiss/Declaration

  9. Presentation/congratulations

If you want to personalise your ceremony, be sure to give as much information about your love story to your celebrant, together with poems/readings or rituals that interest you.

A good celebrant will give you a draft (provided you've given them enough time between receiving your story/request & the ceremony), this way you have an opportunity to amend to your liking.

Other things to consider is whether you want special people to be included and how, songs for walking down the aisle, signing the register & exiting down the aisle as partners in life.

If you're still feeling a little lost, call your celebrant & brainstorm/plan together. Having an experienced person to guide you through this process & provide suggestions you may not have considered, can be what sets a good and great wedding ceremony apart!

Above all else, ENJOY the planning process!



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